Geography Insights: US - JUNEAU

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

49Home Players
51All Players
45Winner WPPRs
84Total WPPRs
220Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
39%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
72%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
0%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call US - JUNEAU home like to travel to:

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in US - JUNEAU:
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in US - JUNEAU:
64396Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-10 Local Supporter 5.50 12
62766Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-08 Local Supporter 5.39 17
64395Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-10 Local Supporter 4.47 11
64393Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-09 Local Supporter 4.23 13
64385Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-08 Local Supporter 3.71 14
64392Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-08 Traveler 3.70 12
64394Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-09 Local Supporter 3.43 10
62770Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-07 Local Supporter 2.80 12
67128Bearcade Babes Womens Tournament 2023-11 Traveler 2.28 6
62769Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-07 Local Supporter 2.09 14
61811Bearcade Babes Women's Tournamen 2023-05 Local Supporter 1.68 7
62768Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-06 Traveler 1.52 8
67125Bearcade Babes Women's Pinball T 2023-10 Traveler 1.20 6
62767Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-06 Local Supporter 1.20 15
59183Crystal Saloon's 1st tournament 2023-02 Local Supporter 0.52 20
61809Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-05 Local Supporter 0.47 10
60665Bearcade Target Matchplay Pinbal 2023-04 One-Timer 0.40 22
61810Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl 2023-05 Local Supporter 0.31 10

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in US - JUNEAU:
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
67963David Elrod 2004 WPPRtunist 31.99 12
100311Ettin Briar 4806 Local Supporter 15.68 15
100321Rebecca Kephart 8645 Local Supporter 7.82 15
100317Sara Snyder 9669 Local Supporter 5.69 14
100316Henry Kephart 11182 Local Supporter 4.44 13
106819Jon Percy 5749 Local Supporter 4.40 9
106176Kristin Bailey 13337 Traveler 2.35 10
93685Tawney Letterman 14016 Traveler 2.01 15
100315Dustin McMullin 13065 Local Supporter 1.72 14
100314Kimberly Bray 12800 Local Supporter 1.70 17
102922Carl Petersen 10237 Traveler 1.36 10
100312Graham Judson 15753 Traveler 1.24 8
107292Rich Peabody 20168 Local Supporter 0.52 6
104262Ivan Adams 12659 Local Supporter 0.44 3
100327Baileigh Krause 23144 Local Supporter 0.38 8
100328Curt Burns 32051 Local Supporter 0.27 4
108340Bryan Boynton 32680 One-Timer 0.24 1
106555Gabriel Villenave 20601 Traveler 0.18 1
104874Rhyan Nydam 0 One-Timer 0.17 1
100320Chris Letterman 36635 Local Supporter 0.16 3
109423Elaine Bell 42853 Local Supporter 0.11 2
108341Frank Bray 39441 One-Timer 0.11 1
100325Eli Kesten 39671 Local Supporter 0.11 2
100319Megan Hyde 46865 Local Supporter 0.10 3
104873Tamatha Ince 0 One-Timer 0.10 1
100313Bradley Johnson 44676 Local Supporter 0.07 2
105678Cory Tordillos 42772 One-Timer 0.07 1
108924Mike McCurley 38781 One-Timer 0.06 1
111055 0.05 1
102920Em Lang 45477 Local Supporter 0.05 2
100318Mark Ince 46864 Local Supporter 0.05 2
105677Carrie Bennett 30003 Traveler 0.05 1
102925Matt Marr 21273 Local Supporter 0.05 2
102927Kyler Mitchell 47681 One-Timer 0.04 1
102926Callan Chythlook-Sifsof 48821 One-Timer 0.03 1
107776Jeff Dayton 47818 One-Timer 0.03 1
105676Santiago Tordillos 47757 One-Timer 0.03 1
102923Magdalena Oliveros 50145 One-Timer 0.02 1
100323Andrew Juneau 50092 One-Timer 0.02 1
102924Sydney Talbott 50146 One-Timer 0.02 1
105675Clay Bartkoski 49137 One-Timer 0.02 1
104263Claire White 50174 One-Timer 0.02 1
104872Cyd Spencer 0 One-Timer 0.02 1
100324Fish AK 50093 One-Timer 0.02 1
100322Alex Hughes 50091 One-Timer 0.02 1
102921Logan Terry 50881 One-Timer 0.01 1
100326Jamie Letterman 50853 One-Timer 0.01 1
105674Vamessa Tordillos 50418 One-Timer 0.01 1
104902John Kephart AK 50417 Local Supporter 0.01 2


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-05-31
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-05-26

Notes and Acknowledgements